On 6th May 2021 we had a great turnout of audience members for the virtual return of our EDT Study Morning. We hosted a panel of amazing professional experts and discussed how we can proactively help and support children and families with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) after Encephalitis.
The event was aimed at everyone involved with the care of a child post Encephalitis and Acquired Brain Injury, including parents, carers, families, medical, rehab and educational professionals. It was an incredibly informative and enjoyable morning!
How can I watch the Study Morning after it has happened?
If you couldn’t attend our study morning on the day and would like to experience the talks first-hand, or if you did attend and want to revisit the content, then we have made the recording of the full session available to watch for free on our Eden Dora Trust YouTube channel!
You can watch the event below, and why not subscribe and check out the other videos on our channel while you’re there – we have lots of content covering Encephalitis, ABI, and lots of our other previous events.
What did it consist of?
This year our study morning took place via webinar, in light of COVID-19 restrictions. As it has always been in previous years, the morning was an incredibly worthwhile experience for all those who attended, and covered many topics relating to ABI and life after Encephalitis, discussing how we can proactively help and support children and families. For instance:
Support children and young people after discharge from hospital
Returning to education post Encephalitis and ABI
Sleep-wake disorders following ABI, including a review of the prevalence and phenotypes, and their associations with injury characteristics, impact on recovery, strategies for treatment and ideas for future research
A child’s world after Encephalitis and ABI.
Who spoke at the event?
Dr Emily Talbot
Consultant Clinical Psychologist,
Nottingham Children’s Hospital
Dr Heather Elphick
Consultant In Paediatric Respiratory And Sleep Medicine,
Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Emily Bennett
Consultant Clinical Psychologist,
Nottingham Children’s Hospital
Julianne Moore
Partner, Personal Injury,
Irwin Mitchell
Beth Wicks
Education Consultant & Chair,
Dr Santosh Mordekar
Consultant Paediatric Neurologist
Petrina Sill
The Eden Dora Trust for Children with Encephalitis