We are therefore proud to fund an amazing free-to-access workshop, run by the Child Brain Injury Trust, which provides interactive sessions exploring the issues facing children, young people, and their families following childhood ABI.
The quality of available support and knoweldge/understanding of staff within school can have a major impact on a child’s academic, social, and personal development. Yet, sadly, very few educational staff are made aware of, or taught to truly understand ABI and the issues a child may face on their return to school, as this is not covered by any basic training, even for Special Educational Needs staff.
That is why The Eden Dora Trust feels it is so important for these workshops to take place: providing an essential understanding and awareness of ABI, as well as the potential differing needs of the child(ren) in their care, for all educational professionals.
In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, the workshop has been re-modelled and re-designed so this vital information and training can still be accessed. We are pleased to say that some workshops are now being held in-person again, whilst some are still being held as COVID-safe e-learning workshops. These e-sessions are interactive and split over two mornings, exploring the issues facing children, young people and their families, following childhood acquired brain injury.
You can find out more about the e-learning and interactive ‘Understanding Childhood Acquired Brain Injury’ Workshops below:
What does the workshop cover?
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